Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Death of Internet Marketing

This is my review on Mike Filsaime's Special Report on 'The Death of Internet Marketing".

One internet marketer said that a year ago when he send out 50,000 emails through the mailing list, the click through rate (CTR) was about 6,000. Now, the response is expected to be around 600. It is as good as dead.

Before you continue from here, I would like you to read my earlier article on "Internet Marketing versus Internet Entrepreneurship."

Here I would like to point out that internet markeing is only a medium, agent or middlemen whatever you like to call it. They thrive on the inefficiency of the legal and economic distribution system. As the system becomes more efficient, economic cake for the internet marketing industry becomes smaller resulting in lesser rewards for the players.

Therefore, the death of internet marketing is not a surprise. It is to be expected. The late Corey Rudl (Derek Gehl's boss who founded the world famous Internet Marketing Centre) once said that you can become super, super rich if you can predict the future. This is the futuristic household and hotel scenarios he predicted.

Middle men and internet marketers would be wiped out in future. Locality is the name of the game. Every household would have everything available online. When we need any of these stuffs, we just key in the order in our computer and the goods would be delivered to our house. No middlemen, no need for internet marketing. A perfect system. And in any international hotels all known entertainment materials, videos, games and so on would be available free for all hotel guests.

In economic terms internet marketers have an unfair advantage and ought to be eliminated by the market system. Therefore it would be wise to appreciate that whatever you make as an internet marketer is only temporary. It is for this reason that I prefer to emphasise on internet entrepreneurship. (Please read my short article on internet entrepreneurship again if you still have not read.)

Entrepreneurship is innovation, leadership, movers and shakers of society. The outcome is the rising standard of living of the world's population. Entrepreneurship would survive as long as capitalism survive. How long would capitalism survive? This is unknown. History has shown that capitalism is a man make social phenomena. Therefore it is not perpectual. At this stage please read my article on the "The Perfect Nature" to enhance your wisdom.

Posted by DR SOON copyright 2006


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