Monday, November 06, 2006

Internet marketer versus internet entrepreneur

Is internet marketing the same as internet entrepreneurship? Superficially they appear the same. In my opinion they are not. In fact they are miles apart.

I have seen so many poor performance as a consequence of mismatch. Accountant with a core value of accountant doing the job of a entrepreneur. This includes even graduates from Harvard MBA. Marshall Thuber was the first person to reveal this...what the top five universities in America don't teach you. He then went on to design a program called 'Money and You'. This program helps the graduates to close the mismatch gap.

Examples of internet entrepreneurs are Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Larry E Page, Jerry Yang, Michael Dell.
Examples of internet marketers are Alex Mandossian, Arman Morin, Yanik Silver, the late Corey Rudl, Derek Gehl.

Compare the two groups and see whether you can spot the essential differences. Think about it. Take a short break and read on for my answers.

Internet marketing is basically a job. Therefore, internet marketer should get paid for the work done.
Internet entrepreneurship is not a job. It is a game with win-lose scenario. This involves substantial risk. This is the reason that reward may be tremendous............if they keep winning... just like striking lotteries or casino jackpots everyday for many, many years to come!
However, the obstacle the entrepreneur has to overcome to reach his goal is always mammoth and insurmountable. New entrepreneur without mentor or with wrong mentor would almost always got into the game only to find out that he did not have an exit strategy.
Experienced entrepreneur solved this problem by using vehicle? What is this vehicle? Take a short rest. Think about it and come back to review the answers. Read more.........

As an entrepreneur, if alone, we cannot build big businesses. We build an effective and efficient team. It is this team that build great business empires. An entrepreneur is the leader of this team. Therefore, leadership skill is the core value of all successful entrepreneur. Here are my comments on some of the leadership traits that were proven winners. Read them so that you understand what I mean by leadership skills.

  • Bill Gates was interviewed by Larry King in American T.V. He was asked about how he became the richest man in the world.
  • Bill Gate said, "it 's luck and timing. I'm in the right place at the right time. So many of my contemporaries were also in the right place at the right time. But the difference between them and me is that I have a vision whereas they do not.
  • My comment is that Bill Gates see the importance of accumulating money in modern society and took steps to strategise a mechanism or recipe to amass wealth. Bill Gate knows how to implement his monetary vision.
  • Robert Kuok, the richest man in Malaysia said, "tall tree attracts strong winds. I adapt like a chameleon."
  • My comment is that,"keeping low profile, being humble, and adaptation" is another proven successful recipe of entrepreneurial leadership skill.
  • Ananda Krishnan, another richest man in Malaysia became rich through his well selected businesses. None of his businesses give him problems that affect his attention span.
  • My comment is 'selectivity' is the key. Know how to choose your business so that the problem area do not affect your attention span.

It is my sincere hope that newbies do not fall into an entrepreneurial trap. You should clarify whether you want to become an internet marketer or internet entrepreneur. Know your needs. Know how to apply what you learn in your own ways. You do not learn entrepreneurship from a marketer. Internet entrepreneurs do not give seminars. You have to learn it your own way.

Posted by DR SOON copyright 2006


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