Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Basics of Public Victory

The tittle may be alternately described as "the three principles of money, relatioinship and power".

Those of you who have been following my articles should know that when I mention "public victory" I am refering to "money, relationship anmd power".

The Basics are the three principles I am going to describe today.

1. Marshall Thuber a PhD holder and a businessman did a research on five top American Business Schools to find out what they don't teach you. One of the principles is that successful people take responsibility for their decisions. 'No layblame, no denial, no justification' so that they can learn from their desisions, take steps to correct them and re-create the environment for their next venture. This principle has been over-emphsized. I have heard it so many times until it is a bore to hear again.

The first principle "take responsibility for your decisions".

2. Jean Paul Satre, an existentialist psychologist said that human mind is not capable to decipher the meaning of life. This is not the same as to say there is no meaning in life. It is just that the meaning of life will forever remain a mystery to us. Because of this mystery there are lots of controversial variations that claimed to have answered this question.

Buckminster Fuller said "you do not belong to you, you belong to the universe. Therefore, if you do something that contribute to your fellow human beings you can assume that you have fulfilled your purpose in life."

(As a reminder to visitors, this statement is not open to debate because of its controversial and sensitive nature)

Personally I find it more useful if we divide this principle into 'private purpose in life' and 'public purpose in life'.

3. The third principle is drawn from the teachings of Neuro-liguistic Programming (NLP). NLP psychologists said that human mind is not capable of handling negative emotions. One example, if anyone keep us waiting for too long we will easily loose temper. Another example, if somebody attack one's strongly held beliefs or worshipped values, we are sure to get angry. However, the degree of anger we manifest comes with training and how we use our coping mechanism. One good coping skill is to understand that 'anger' is a negative emotion and that we can choose our own resourceful state or emotion pro-actively. A second method is to laugh it off.

The third principle " human mind cannot handle negative emotion".

We can eliminate these obstacles by choosing and creating the environment we live in. I have noticed over the last 30 years that many parents have successfully chosen and created the right environment for their children. This method of 'creating environment' and 'choosing environment' for their children is the easiest and simplest method to ensure a successful upbringing and a bright future for their children.

Creating environments for private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship and power).


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