Sunday, March 25, 2007

MBA in five minutes

What is my theory of MBA (Master of Business of Adminstration)

We all use the power of summary as a tool to enhance our intellectual performance. Newtonian Physics by Sir Isaac Newton can be summarized in three principles. Similarly, Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity can be summarised in one formula, that is E=mc(2).

In my opinion, the whole course of MBA can be summarised as follows:
1. Mission, Objectives, Policies
2. SWOT analysis
3. Alternatives
4. Recommendations

This applies both to organizations and individuals. Clarity leads to power. As an individual, your have to clarify your mission, objectives and policies. When applied to organizations, the CEOs have to clarify the organization's mission, objectives and policies.

SWOT stand for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You have to analyze these four variables.

Having clarify your mission, objectives and policies and analyzed your SWOT, you can then formulate the various options or alternatives.

Based on these options or alternatives, you then create strategies to compete in the free market driven economy.

Simple. Isn't it. MBA in five minutes.

If you are doing projects, you can use this summary to check and evaluate the progress of your project, say three monthly.

If you are a consultant you can write your report in this format for your clients.

I hope some of you can capitalize on this five minute MBA and make some money from your clients.

Creating environments for private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship and power)


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