Sunday, March 04, 2007

Private victory and public victory

The title of this article should be more appropriately called private victory and failure versus public victory and failure. I leave out the "failure" in the title because human mind cannot handle negative emotion.

Before I start, I would like readers to just remind themselves of Stephen Covey's seven or recently eight habits of highly effective people. You will notice that the first three habits are private victory and the next three are public victory. Private victory is your foundation to public victory.

Stephen Covey's private victories are:
1. Proactivity
2. Begin with an end in mind
3. First Things First

Stephen Covey's Public victories are
1. Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
2. Think win-win
3. Synergize

After you have gone through this, take a short break and then listen to what I have to say.

I have posted in that what private victory to me is basically your education and your health. My definition of education covers both knowledge and skill.
Know the difference between knowledge and skill. I have to emphasize again that this is very important in trouble-shooting our weaknesses. For example, we may have the knowledge to make money from the internet. But the result shows we do not make any money from the internet. This means we do not yet acquire the skill to make money from the internet.

Unless you have genetic problem, you should put in some time and effort to look after your health. Our health have been badly corrupted by commercial interests in modern society. The first step is to acquire the knowlege of healthy living. The next step is to acquire the skill to do it, bearing in mind that it is impossible to perfect it.

Public victory to me are the attributes of money, relationship and power. Money is important because it is measurable and subject to the rules of zero sum games. Power is measured by our post and position in society. Relationship basically refers to both private and public friends. The way I define the meaning of friendship is very different. For example, your spouse, brothers , sisters, children, parents are just special kind of private friends. Your customers, clients, 'economic' friends, social friends, classmates, chilhood friends and so on are public friends.

I use this model to trouble-shoot many relationship problems. My weakness is mainly in one special kind of public friend. If you visit you will notice that I have only one friend. All of you are welcome to 'add friends' to my list.

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