Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Website Promotion 2

Part 1

I will promote this website today. Visit:
Then click the first link on your left
Malaysians for Health USANA


This website belongs to Faisal Apairudin our colleague and also a good friend. There are two reasons why you should visit this website.1. It is about supplementary nutritional products. Visit this site today. May be your health will get better and you may make some money if affiliate program is offered.

Visit http://www.myscriptdoctor.com/myscriptdoctor/index.php
Click the first link on the left and you are taken there. Please do not ask me any question about the business aspect of the site.
(However, you may ask me questions on the nutrirional aspect. I happen to be an expert in this area).
For business questions, follow the instruction in the website "Malaysians for Health USANA" and ask the owner. I hope you may be able to make some money by participating in the program of this website. At worse you will still learn something out of this program. Action always beat inaction.

I will always place the website I am promoting for that particular day as the first link.

2. The second reason is that Faisal Apairudin is a webmaster and web designer. You may approach him if you want him to do some work for you. My own experience showed that I always end up with good business deals through contact like this.Tomorrow I will promote another website. We take turn. Every participant has a chance.Please support this website I promote today by visitng the website "Malaysians For Health Usana" , peruse and then bookmark the site.


Feel free to post your comment or feedback on my blog
Part 2
For new visitors, I would like to promote your websites, your products or your companies' products through my website. Individuals wiil get more exposure and more traffic. Companies will get more credibility, better competitive edge and more sales.You can sign up and submit your promotion articles at:


There is no charge. Only gratitude and thank you.

Sound crazy! Yes, there are backends, but fair and mutually beneficial.

It is not necessary to link back to my site right now, if you are not ready. You link back to my site only when you are ready. I will send you monthly reminders. If you do not have a website this is irrelevant to you. Please ignore the message. Thank you for reading the message.

DR SOON................................................................


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