Friday, March 23, 2007

Why learning how to set goals in life can help you sell your internet products

Goal setting in life is a skill very few people have. The first person who did research in great detail in this area is Napoleon Hill. Ability to set goal is a priceless skill.

We do not have this goal setting skill because our socio-cultural environment including educational and job environment already programmed the goals for us. Therefore goal setting is irrelevant to most people.

Goal setting is a very important skill for politicians, community leaders, experts, sportsmen and entrepreneurs. And they learn it by trial and error or through recommendations by advisors.
About 3% of the population in developed countries have well formulated goals but less than 1% have wriiten goals.

I do not have written goals but I have well formulated goals in my mind that takes me from one level to another.

I choose to write this topic because many newbies or starters have published informational products like ebooks, CDs, videos and end up as PUTS (products unable to sell). I hope they can find a solution to sell after reading this article.

Some common mistakes in goal setting

1. Goal setting does not come naturally. It requires pro-activity, persistence and conditioning.

2. Most people over-estimate what they can do in one year but under-estimate what they can do in five years. For example when I entered Medical School, after one year I became a second year medical student but after five years I graduated as a doctor. From student to doctor there is definitely a quantum change in life.

3. Procrastination is the thief of time. Goal setting must always have a deadline. For example you publish a ebook or CDs and videos, you must not conclude that you were unable to sell before the end of say, one year. Similarly, if you are still unable to sell after one year, you have to move on to your next project. This next project may synergize with your PUTS. Thus you are turning a garbage into jewels. Creativity and innovation is an essential part of the game.

4. Human mind cannot handle negative emotion. Take steps to eliminate them or just laugh it off if you can't eliminate them, for example if they come from your spouse or your parent. Then congratulate yourself that you have learned how to accept others. (Self congratulation is a powerful anchoring tool. Anchoring is an important concept in behaviour science).

It has been said that the seven persons you mix with is your future. So, make sure that you know who these seven persons are and how they can enhance your goals. Your spouse, parents and children are counted as one. I hope you will count me in as one of your seven people. Reciprocally I count this maillist as one of my seven people.

Internet business game is a game to enjoy. I hope nobody in this group suffers from depression. Email me at if you have problem in this area.



At 5:59 AM, Blogger Chuck Bartok said...

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