Friday, July 07, 2006

My Experience with Setting Up My First Website

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

This is to share with you the daunting experience I went through to set up my first website. So many things are so new to me. So much research has to be done. So many decisions have to be made. And, so many mistakes were made. That's how I learn, and I enjoy that. Each time I troubleshoot my own mistake, I celebrate and take this opportunity to learn more about myself

I keep reminding myself that a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step. This philosophy enable me to set up my first website.

Blog is a good way to drive traffic to my website and to attract advertisements. This is the reason why I am posting here. Unless I am on vacation, I will be posting everyday so as to share with my fellow bloggers. You are welcome to visit my blog everyday. Please enlighten me by posting your comments. If you have one question to ask me what would it be? Just ask this question. It doesn't matter if it appear silly.


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