Saturday, March 31, 2007

Your responsibility on money, relationship and power

Marshall Thuber was the first person to emphasize on "responsibility" as the most important success principle. He emphasized mainly on responsibility to our fellow human beings. However, this also extends to responsibility in your decisions and outcomes on your money, relationship and power.

The way to do it is to set your own rules that apply to money, relationship and power. First, you have to honour your rules. Second, you have to make sure that your rules are realistic. Being realistic means that your rules must consider and foresee all possible outcomes which may include best scenarios, worst scenarios and unexpected scenarios.

It is not easy to honour your rules. Many people refuse to honour their own rules because they were unable to accept the outcome. Usually, it is not their fault. It is just that their mental control breaks down. Only those who are emotionally mature are able to accept the outcome. You derive your wisdom from emotional maturity. In fact, wisdom in abundance is found in this territory of emotional maturity.

Ask yourself these questions:
What are your rules on money?
What are your rules on relationship?
What are your rules on power?

From my experience in medical practice, I have found that when your mental control breaks down due to loss of money, relationship or power, people react in two distinct ways. First, they deviate from their rules, just like shifting the goal posts in the middle of the game. Second, they go into grief reaction. Grief reaction is a sympton complex that manifest in many ways including depression. It usually takes up to six months for grief reactions to resolve.

At this stage, I would like to emphasize that NLP practitioners were the first persons to point out that human emotions cannot handle the negative state of mind. This in my opinion is very important but seldom emphasized.

You can now see why it is important to clarify your rules on money, relationship and power. Clarity leads to power and wisdom.

Your responsibility on money, relationship and power permeates every area of your lifestyle including your business venture. Business venture is not a 'money' venture. Business venture is a venture on money, relationship and power. Focus on the way you handle money, relationship and power, and you will be rewarded when these seeds grow into trees that produce abundance of money, relationship and power. In other words, wealth and happiness.
Finally, I would like to repeat what I have mentioned in my previous article. "Money, relationship and power is a game around public victory. Your success or failure is not related to your position in society because each individual play at their own level. The quantum difference lies in the environment". This means your position in society do not favour you but your environment favour you. Choose your environment carefully. The most important environment is the country you live in. The second most important is the "seven persons" you associate with. Therefore, choose these seven persons carefully.

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Creating environments for private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship and power)


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