Saturday, July 08, 2006

Welcome. Visit my blog everyday.

Hi Fellow Bloggers,

Yesterday's lesson was "a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step." I prefer to use the word 'script' instead of lesson. If you know a lesson you will only keep it to yourself. You will not implement it. But I want you to implement the lesson you learn, hence I call it a script. "Script" will force you to run or implement your program. It is a natural thing.

If you have difficulty implementing what you learn, then you can always rely on the second method. That is, as Nike says, "just do it". Remember, procrastination is the thief of time. Time is always your most valuable asset. Action always beat inaction.

Welcome to visit my blog everyday. Post your comment if you feel you have something to say. A surprise gift may be waiting for you.


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