Sunday, July 08, 2007

Blogging--fun, dollars or both

Most people blog for fun. A small minority realize that blogging is a good starting point to make their first dollar. The technology is already there. You get natural traffic from your community. I made my first fifteen US dollars within the first month after I started blogging.
At present I have two blogs. They make a little money each time I post. However, there were lots of poor quality traffic resulting in a CTR of less than half percent. It is not viable economically. My wordpress blog has a page rank of one (1) all through natural traffic.

Building website is not easy but has enormous potential because you have unlimited ways to make money from websites. You can sell services, sell business leads, sell clones, create affiliate programs, sell your own products and so on. In other words you can do huge businesses without bank loan. At the moment I have one established website with a page rank of one and five other websites in their infancy.

The best business I have found in the net is to build a high standard turnkey website with high demand and monetze it through downline distribution system. Normall when we buy product, it is consumer spending. However, when you buy products under this system, you stand a chance to become filthy rich through affiliation and downline distribution system. This is an irresistable offer guaranteed to succeed. This is the power of the internet. This is the way to break the seven figure code. Many have made millions this way. Some made it in less than three months.

I am now in my second year of internet education. I believe I should be able to break this code by the end of five years.

Globally Jason Calacanis make the most from blogging getting about US$120,000 per month. He was the former Vice President of AOL. He run 104 blogs and has 9 fully paid staff to blog for him. This works for him but not for us because Google may not trust us and our account will be disabled., a free dating and matching site at the moment make US$300,000 per month from adsense. a social-networking site comes second with US$250,000 per month.
Joel Comm said he made about US$2000 a month or US$250,000 a year less than what and received in a month.

However, the most effectivce and fastest way to make more money from the net is using affiliation programs and automation like what Ewen Chia did. You do not need a website. All your time (100%) will focus on generation of revenue through affiliation program. He received more than half a million US dollars last year. You still need to know the basics before you can do it. This is good for those with background in sales. This is not for me . I find it boring.

You spend 100% of your time looking for products, customers and sales, and keep repeating and duplicating until products, customers and sales become part your life. When these attributes become second nature to you, you will become known as talented supersalesman. You can then sell any product as easy as a fish that swims or a bird that flies.

As for me I use less than 10% of my time to generate revenue. My priority to learn and to improve website management as well as sowing seeds throughout the internet takes up 90% of my time. Deep in my soul I am still a doctor and a scientist. But I managed to penetrate the internet market and will continue to do so.

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