Friday, July 14, 2006

Merger of brick-mortar and digital interface

Just as Adam Smith is the Father of Economics, John Nasbitt is the Father of Megatrends. This is my opinion. It is possible to predict megatrends fairly accurately. This is also an essential skill for leaders:- politicians, entrepreneurs, economists, social avtivists, educationalists, etc.

After the dot bomb of 1998, the digital economy consolidates. Now, we are seeing the digital innovators leaving their comfort zone to interface with the brick and mortar business. This is a reliable clue and an indication of the upward trend of the merger of brick-mortar and digital interface. Such changes create both threats and opportunities.

Leaders will have to adapt and strategise to seize these opportunities as they arises.

Think about this. Relate this with my earlier articles. These are scripts of wisdom.

Welcome back tommorow.


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