Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Personal Development--Why Some People Need To Change Their Name

Why some people need to change their name?

Behavioral science is one of the toughest disciplines because it involves the complexities and diversities of human behavioral. However, it is a very important subject in our pursuit for public victory (money, relationship, power).

Many people are not getting what they want even though they have tried very hard. One of the key reasons is that they fail to change in crucial areas which are essential to their success.
It is for this reason that many consultants prescribe name change as a first step. Our name normally is deeply entrenched into our body, mind and soul.

Name changing is a first step and an important step. When we change our name we are actually showing that we are able to break the obstacle that prevents us from getting what we want. However, just changing the name is not sufficient. It just shows that we are able to change.
Only if we are able to change and to handle change, then only can we change our belief systems.
Belief system is the one that influence our results.

In most cases name change is unnecessary. When we change your environment, our behavior will response to adapt to the environment. There are many applications for this principle. For example, to control the behavior of children, the ideal way is to surround them with the right environment such as school, extra-curricular activities and the friends they mix with.
If you are the consultant, an effective way is to prescribe name change to your clients. If you are doing it for yourself you just change your environment or change your belief systems.

You can read more or even do some exercises at my personal development site




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