Saturday, October 28, 2006

Toggling knowledge for intellectual enjoyment

If we bother to solve our weaknesses the moment they surface, it is a matter of time that we would have accumulated sufficient knowledge base to toggle our knowledge for intellectual enjoyment. This means we can not only use our knowledge for economic and productive means but also for enjoyment of our soul and our mind.

When we say mental fitness we should also include spiritual fitness. Spiritual fitness is a necessity for a healthy soul and mind. Why is there such a thing as spirit, soul and mind? We know from nature's rule that life and death is a certainty.

However, human beings are not willing to accept it and create a defence mechanism called spiritual values. This concept supports man-make branded philosophy called religion since time immemorial.

The purpose of this article is to show how I toggle knowledge for intellectual enjoyment. As this topic is a sensitive topic this article is not open to holy war debate.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Perfect Nature

Nature's rules are always perfect. Water at zero degree Centigrade must turn into ice, and at 100 degree Centigrade would turn into steam. Uranium at its critical mass would start its nuclear reaction. As pointed out by Sir Isaac Newton, an apple would always drop to the ground by gravitational force.

As nature's rules are so perfect I would call it absolute intelligence. Human intelligence is no way near to nature's intelligence. Understand this. We can organize our strategy around this principle. When we do that we will find miracles within our reach.

Wisdom is human beings highest level of acievement. Beyond wisdom is nature's property. It is always perfect and not accesible to human beings. Beyond wisdom is actually absolute intelligence.

Hint: If we are interested to create miracles, don't forget to use the power of nature.

For your intellectual enjoyment

As a reminder to my visitors, this is my philosophy blog. I wrote for your intellectual enjoyment. Visitors are welcomed to participate. Just post your comment if you feel like posting. As Nike says, just do it!

What is intelligence? It was first coined in the earlier 20th century by the U.S military. They called it I. Q or Intelligence Quotient. This has since been taken for granted by the public. Is intelligence exclusive to human beings?

In my yesterday's article, I introduced the concept from signal to wisdom. Is there such a thing as pre-signal or beyond wisdom.

Any signal unknown or undetectable by the senses of man, I would prefer to classify them as pre-signal. Instinct may be a pre-signal. Is there any application for this concept. My experience is "always trust your instinct". You will be right more times than you are wrong. My observation is that woman can respond better to instinct than man.

Some animals can detect ultrasound waves and infra-red waves. Shark can smell blood 20 miles away. Some animals, eg cat can experiment with their ingested food. If its body detect something wrong with the food, the animal would regurgitate or throw them out. These adapted biological skills are lost in humans. I have observed that human neonates (less than 1 month old)can regurgitate feeds. These are not vomiting. They are usually physiological.

Is there anything beyond wisdom? Just like pre-signals, 'beyond wisdom' is unknown to man. Spiritual dimension is unknown to man. Religion attempts to answer these questions. Human beings are not willing to accept what is unknown. Adaptation is the closest answer. What about accepting that we do not know!

Tomorrow, I will write on "The Perfect Nature"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

From signal to wisdom

In 1988, a MIS Professor (a professor teaching management information system) taught me this spectrum of terminology. I have enjoyed using it since then. Here it is:

Signal---------> Data--------->Information----------->Knowledge-------->Wisdom

  1. Signals must be detectable by our body e.g light, heat, sound. Signals by themselves are meaningless.
  2. Data are collections of signals.
  3. Information must be meaningful to the recipient. Hence, data in the right format at the right time and made comprensible to the recipient are information.
  4. Knowledge are actually information that are institutionalized. This means they are information that are used over and over again. These are basically established facts. Acquisition of institutionalized knowledge is the main goal of undergraduate training.
  5. Wisdom is integillible use of knowledge. That is, use knowledge intelligently. This is the goal for post-graduate training in any field.

If you would like to monetize on this philosophy, which interface is most rewarding?

Use this as one of your tools to analyse highly complex situations.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Work versus job-- interpretation and application

What is the difference between work and job. If I cannot delegate or there is very little that I can delegate, then it is a job. My mind would focus on the setting that I have a job.

Professionals and employees' work are jobs. Since I am doing a job, I would expect to be paid well.

In contrast, work is philosophical. It can mean anything. If the outcome of my work is either a win or a lose situation, my strategy should be able to handle these two scenarios:
1. Reward should be consistent with risk
2. There are more ways to lose than to win.

These help to keep my expectations realistic. Being realistic I have no problem of stamina in my job and work. In other words I am satisfied and enjoy my job and work.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ask My Visitor

Ask My Visitor

Camaderadie at its best

It is quite rare to experience the feelings of friends looking after each other. One reason is because the real world is being shaped by the 'money game'. The result, "dog eat dog, adult eat the young" is the norm".

To overcome this obstacle, I learn how to earn, how to spend, how to say no, and how to donate. I found this estatic camaraderie feelings in the sport of scuba diving. Friends, hosts and organizers looked after one another so well even though we do not know who they are.

In the event of a search and rescue, we are all prepared to abandon our enjoyment and go ahead to deliver our responsibility.

Can you think of any other scenario where you can experience camaraderie at its best?

Read more.......
sport medicine for the layman (scuba diving)

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