Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who wants to follow me to crack the seven figure code by 2011

Who wants to crack the seven figure code by 2011?. Less than four years. There are so many ways to crack this seven figure code. At least one of them is going to work for us. (For those who do not understand this figurative expression this means making millions in US dollars)

If you are a leader you can use this information to help you to formulate your plan. If you are a follower, then just follow my website. The target of this article are followers. I am recruiting them.

When Shankleton said he wanted to lead an expedition to the South Pole, he emphasized that the reward of success was honor not money, and the risk was substantial. Despite these the response to his advertisement was enormous. Loads of people were willing to follow him to the South Pole.

I am going to crack this seven figure code by 2011. As I have said before the easiest method is to come out with a good quality turnkey website and market it through a downline distribution system. This produces an irresistible offer that explodes virally like a nuclear bomb. If you do not understand this please check my earlier post in my blog.

There are many other methods. One good example is illustrated here. We all know how to look for gold mines, diamond mines, tin mines and so on. In the internet where are all these treasures?. The biggest reserves of treasures can be found in the interface between land based businesses and internet technology and economy. Many have made millions this way, some even billions.

If you want to follow me to crack this seven figure code by 2011, you must qualify. Now read this carefully with emotion. If you do not know how to back up what you want with emotion, please go through the eight exercises on personal development in my website

Just sacrificing a few KFC or Pizza meals now and then will give you the money required to crack this seven figure code. So money is not a problem. The real problem is here. Read here.

The real problem is to think. I repeat the real problem is to think. If you have not read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, you should read this book this.

Think is the way to grow rich, not work hard or work smart. You must brainstorm yourselves with massive ways of thinking--upside-down thinking, lateral thinking, passionate thinking and so on.

The next thing. What if it did not work at the end of five years? So, we buy insurance. Not so much because of money, but because time is our greatest asset. I have been echoing the same theme ‘how to achieve private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship, power)’ in the development of my websites and in working towards my goal to crack the seven figure code in US dollars. With this insurance at worse you will still benefit from certain degree of progress in your private victory as well as public victory, so that you are able to re-create the environment to succeed in your next venture.

Alex Mandossian attracted me to his seminar by offering to bring up 1000 millionaires. However, what he taught us works only in America and during his time. My one year of research and testing have shown that it does not work if you operate from Malaysia.
So, we are now back to the interface where all the treasures are. If you are doing adsense you can use adsense as a foundation to convert it to Business Leads, meaning you use web resources to generate revenue for all sorts of land based businesses. (That is, your mind sees all land based businesses operating without effective web support as your prospects) You monetize through all these deals as appropriate to the context, terms of participation and the industry. The result. Unlimited opportunities. Unlimited revenue. I had modified this, so it is a little different from Mark Vanuum’s Lead Generation.

Mark Vanuum said he chose to drop his 2000 adsense sites that brings him a return of 436,000 US dollars in 18 months and make a switch to lead generation leveraging on his content rich ad sense sites. He said lead generation brings him

US$10 to US$9000 per leads

Much, much higher returns than adsense! Furthermore, you control your own business. It is shockproof and future proof as long as capitalism survive. You can visit my landing page for this site

In my opinion adsense is a good start as it gives you the opportunity and the meaning to learn the basics. Once you know the basics you should move on to the next level like what Mark Vanuum says.

Tomorrow, I will post another article describing what I am doing right now and how you can participate and benefit from it.



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