Friday, December 15, 2006

Creating Communities

The skill to create communities is the biggest winner in internet businesses. The reward is enormous. I strongly internet entrepreneurs to develop this skill. It is basically both peoples' skill and money skill. Hence. entrepreneurs skillful in creating communities are often known as masters of people and steward of money.

Today’s leading Internet businesses all rely on the power of social networks and creating communities. Companies like ebay, technorati, MySpace, and YouTube have become worth billions because businesses have realized that these social networks and communities are generating huge advertising and marketing opportunities. As these communities grow, the economic potential for its owners and their advertisers is unbelievable especially to those who are not used to thinking big.

Bill Gates became the richest man in the world through creating a new breed of office workers and the customers they serve. Through desktop computers, he changed the way these communities use their time. In other words, he changed the peoples' habits and lifestyles. A new and better way of living (higher standard of living) and a more efficient and effective way of doing things (better quality of life).
We are all newbies. I am taking this step writing to my communities because of my believe in "a journey of a thousand miles start with a single step".

Feel like commenting. Show your thoughts by posting on my blog. There were zero comment. You can be the first one.

My next article is: "The Philosophy of Joint Ventures".


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Handling mistakes

Hi Friends,

One of the most important skill in life and as an entrepreneur is how we handle mistakes. Most budding entrepreneurs have difficulty handling decision-based mistakes because of lack of experience and exposure.

A close cousin of mistake is frustration. They are emotionally painful and we all tend to move away from it. Therefore we must be emotionally matured before we can handle mistake and frustration. Now, what is emotional maturity? I particularly like Dr Mortein Feinberg's definition of emotional maturity in his book " why smart people do dumb thing". The definition is:
1. Accept yourself. This means accepting both your strengths and weaknesses.
2. Accept others. Only when we can accept ourselves with all our strengths and weaknesses, then only can we accept others with all their strengths and weaknesses.
3. Laugh off our mistakes by keeping our sense of humor.
4. Appreciate simple pleasures.
5. Enjoy the present.
6. Welcome work.

In order to enjoy wealth and happiness, we need to learn how to handle frustration. The way to do it is to take on massive frustration.
Mistakes are made because of decisions in life. The person who made no mistakes is someone who never made decisions. The more decisions we made, the more mistakes we will make.
We can also see mistakes from another angle. Just see it as results. There is no such thing as mistakes, just good result, poor result or bad result.

The important principle here is to take responsibility for the mistakes we made. Only when we take 100% full responsibility for our mistake, (which means no denial, no lay blame, no justification), then only can we re-create the environment to succeed in our next venture.

If you do not know how to handle mistakes, you will never enjoy wealth and happiness in life and work. If you have problem in this area, take steps to correct it.

More ....five big mistakes at