Saturday, March 31, 2007

Your responsibility on money, relationship and power

Marshall Thuber was the first person to emphasize on "responsibility" as the most important success principle. He emphasized mainly on responsibility to our fellow human beings. However, this also extends to responsibility in your decisions and outcomes on your money, relationship and power.

The way to do it is to set your own rules that apply to money, relationship and power. First, you have to honour your rules. Second, you have to make sure that your rules are realistic. Being realistic means that your rules must consider and foresee all possible outcomes which may include best scenarios, worst scenarios and unexpected scenarios.

It is not easy to honour your rules. Many people refuse to honour their own rules because they were unable to accept the outcome. Usually, it is not their fault. It is just that their mental control breaks down. Only those who are emotionally mature are able to accept the outcome. You derive your wisdom from emotional maturity. In fact, wisdom in abundance is found in this territory of emotional maturity.

Ask yourself these questions:
What are your rules on money?
What are your rules on relationship?
What are your rules on power?

From my experience in medical practice, I have found that when your mental control breaks down due to loss of money, relationship or power, people react in two distinct ways. First, they deviate from their rules, just like shifting the goal posts in the middle of the game. Second, they go into grief reaction. Grief reaction is a sympton complex that manifest in many ways including depression. It usually takes up to six months for grief reactions to resolve.

At this stage, I would like to emphasize that NLP practitioners were the first persons to point out that human emotions cannot handle the negative state of mind. This in my opinion is very important but seldom emphasized.

You can now see why it is important to clarify your rules on money, relationship and power. Clarity leads to power and wisdom.

Your responsibility on money, relationship and power permeates every area of your lifestyle including your business venture. Business venture is not a 'money' venture. Business venture is a venture on money, relationship and power. Focus on the way you handle money, relationship and power, and you will be rewarded when these seeds grow into trees that produce abundance of money, relationship and power. In other words, wealth and happiness.
Finally, I would like to repeat what I have mentioned in my previous article. "Money, relationship and power is a game around public victory. Your success or failure is not related to your position in society because each individual play at their own level. The quantum difference lies in the environment". This means your position in society do not favour you but your environment favour you. Choose your environment carefully. The most important environment is the country you live in. The second most important is the "seven persons" you associate with. Therefore, choose these seven persons carefully.

Feel like expressing your thought. Post your comment.
Creating environments for private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship and power)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Basics of Public Victory

The tittle may be alternately described as "the three principles of money, relatioinship and power".

Those of you who have been following my articles should know that when I mention "public victory" I am refering to "money, relationship anmd power".

The Basics are the three principles I am going to describe today.

1. Marshall Thuber a PhD holder and a businessman did a research on five top American Business Schools to find out what they don't teach you. One of the principles is that successful people take responsibility for their decisions. 'No layblame, no denial, no justification' so that they can learn from their desisions, take steps to correct them and re-create the environment for their next venture. This principle has been over-emphsized. I have heard it so many times until it is a bore to hear again.

The first principle "take responsibility for your decisions".

2. Jean Paul Satre, an existentialist psychologist said that human mind is not capable to decipher the meaning of life. This is not the same as to say there is no meaning in life. It is just that the meaning of life will forever remain a mystery to us. Because of this mystery there are lots of controversial variations that claimed to have answered this question.

Buckminster Fuller said "you do not belong to you, you belong to the universe. Therefore, if you do something that contribute to your fellow human beings you can assume that you have fulfilled your purpose in life."

(As a reminder to visitors, this statement is not open to debate because of its controversial and sensitive nature)

Personally I find it more useful if we divide this principle into 'private purpose in life' and 'public purpose in life'.

3. The third principle is drawn from the teachings of Neuro-liguistic Programming (NLP). NLP psychologists said that human mind is not capable of handling negative emotions. One example, if anyone keep us waiting for too long we will easily loose temper. Another example, if somebody attack one's strongly held beliefs or worshipped values, we are sure to get angry. However, the degree of anger we manifest comes with training and how we use our coping mechanism. One good coping skill is to understand that 'anger' is a negative emotion and that we can choose our own resourceful state or emotion pro-actively. A second method is to laugh it off.

The third principle " human mind cannot handle negative emotion".

We can eliminate these obstacles by choosing and creating the environment we live in. I have noticed over the last 30 years that many parents have successfully chosen and created the right environment for their children. This method of 'creating environment' and 'choosing environment' for their children is the easiest and simplest method to ensure a successful upbringing and a bright future for their children.

Creating environments for private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship and power).

Sunday, March 25, 2007

MBA in five minutes

What is my theory of MBA (Master of Business of Adminstration)

We all use the power of summary as a tool to enhance our intellectual performance. Newtonian Physics by Sir Isaac Newton can be summarized in three principles. Similarly, Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity can be summarised in one formula, that is E=mc(2).

In my opinion, the whole course of MBA can be summarised as follows:
1. Mission, Objectives, Policies
2. SWOT analysis
3. Alternatives
4. Recommendations

This applies both to organizations and individuals. Clarity leads to power. As an individual, your have to clarify your mission, objectives and policies. When applied to organizations, the CEOs have to clarify the organization's mission, objectives and policies.

SWOT stand for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You have to analyze these four variables.

Having clarify your mission, objectives and policies and analyzed your SWOT, you can then formulate the various options or alternatives.

Based on these options or alternatives, you then create strategies to compete in the free market driven economy.

Simple. Isn't it. MBA in five minutes.

If you are doing projects, you can use this summary to check and evaluate the progress of your project, say three monthly.

If you are a consultant you can write your report in this format for your clients.

I hope some of you can capitalize on this five minute MBA and make some money from your clients.

Creating environments for private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship and power)

Friday, March 23, 2007

Why learning how to set goals in life can help you sell your internet products

Goal setting in life is a skill very few people have. The first person who did research in great detail in this area is Napoleon Hill. Ability to set goal is a priceless skill.

We do not have this goal setting skill because our socio-cultural environment including educational and job environment already programmed the goals for us. Therefore goal setting is irrelevant to most people.

Goal setting is a very important skill for politicians, community leaders, experts, sportsmen and entrepreneurs. And they learn it by trial and error or through recommendations by advisors.
About 3% of the population in developed countries have well formulated goals but less than 1% have wriiten goals.

I do not have written goals but I have well formulated goals in my mind that takes me from one level to another.

I choose to write this topic because many newbies or starters have published informational products like ebooks, CDs, videos and end up as PUTS (products unable to sell). I hope they can find a solution to sell after reading this article.

Some common mistakes in goal setting

1. Goal setting does not come naturally. It requires pro-activity, persistence and conditioning.

2. Most people over-estimate what they can do in one year but under-estimate what they can do in five years. For example when I entered Medical School, after one year I became a second year medical student but after five years I graduated as a doctor. From student to doctor there is definitely a quantum change in life.

3. Procrastination is the thief of time. Goal setting must always have a deadline. For example you publish a ebook or CDs and videos, you must not conclude that you were unable to sell before the end of say, one year. Similarly, if you are still unable to sell after one year, you have to move on to your next project. This next project may synergize with your PUTS. Thus you are turning a garbage into jewels. Creativity and innovation is an essential part of the game.

4. Human mind cannot handle negative emotion. Take steps to eliminate them or just laugh it off if you can't eliminate them, for example if they come from your spouse or your parent. Then congratulate yourself that you have learned how to accept others. (Self congratulation is a powerful anchoring tool. Anchoring is an important concept in behaviour science).

It has been said that the seven persons you mix with is your future. So, make sure that you know who these seven persons are and how they can enhance your goals. Your spouse, parents and children are counted as one. I hope you will count me in as one of your seven people. Reciprocally I count this maillist as one of my seven people.

Internet business game is a game to enjoy. I hope nobody in this group suffers from depression. Email me at if you have problem in this area.


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Website promotion Review1

The response of the website promotion over the last few days have shown that the virtual internet economy without land based support is very volatile.

In order to continue with the 'human interactivity' as a pre-requisite for success or good results, I have to tweak, tweak and tweak. Business is very interesting if you know how to play the game. Just follow the leads.

The majority of the website owners are affiliates. Affiliation is the easiest method to participate and to survive in the internet. These groups are surviving and make some money as well.

The second group already has established land based business. The web is just used as a tool to support their existing business. This group is doing well.

The third group has beautiful and impressive websites. They out-sourced the project to professionals. I believe they must have spent a small fortune, and now struggling to turnaround with no solution in sight.

The majority says they do not have any clue as to what they should do now. As far as I can see, the majority will become occasional users, while others continue to enjoy the web as a hobby.
Based on the above scenario, do you have any question, comment, suggestion or solution. You can email me or post it here, in this blog.

What are the problems?

What are the solutions to these problems?

Thank you for your participation and comment


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Website Promotion 2

Part 1

I will promote this website today. Visit:
Then click the first link on your left
Malaysians for Health USANA

This website belongs to Faisal Apairudin our colleague and also a good friend. There are two reasons why you should visit this website.1. It is about supplementary nutritional products. Visit this site today. May be your health will get better and you may make some money if affiliate program is offered.

Click the first link on the left and you are taken there. Please do not ask me any question about the business aspect of the site.
(However, you may ask me questions on the nutrirional aspect. I happen to be an expert in this area).
For business questions, follow the instruction in the website "Malaysians for Health USANA" and ask the owner. I hope you may be able to make some money by participating in the program of this website. At worse you will still learn something out of this program. Action always beat inaction.

I will always place the website I am promoting for that particular day as the first link.

2. The second reason is that Faisal Apairudin is a webmaster and web designer. You may approach him if you want him to do some work for you. My own experience showed that I always end up with good business deals through contact like this.Tomorrow I will promote another website. We take turn. Every participant has a chance.Please support this website I promote today by visitng the website "Malaysians For Health Usana" , peruse and then bookmark the site.

Feel free to post your comment or feedback on my blog
Part 2
For new visitors, I would like to promote your websites, your products or your companies' products through my website. Individuals wiil get more exposure and more traffic. Companies will get more credibility, better competitive edge and more sales.You can sign up and submit your promotion articles at:

There is no charge. Only gratitude and thank you.

Sound crazy! Yes, there are backends, but fair and mutually beneficial.

It is not necessary to link back to my site right now, if you are not ready. You link back to my site only when you are ready. I will send you monthly reminders. If you do not have a website this is irrelevant to you. Please ignore the message. Thank you for reading the message.

DR SOON................................................................

Monday, March 12, 2007

Website Promotion 1--"All Solutions Network"

Hi Friends,

You can post your comments or feedbacks here. The standard blog policies shall apply. Unacceptable and unreasonable comments may be deleted, edited or moderated.

Productive debate is encouraged so that everybody remembers the website and take steps to improve on their websites.

The idea behind this program is to create user driven communities. We will
1. Turnaround unsuccessful website and website owners.
2. Create opportunities for website owners to make more money
3. Affiliates amd MLM participants will also have more people signing up
4. There will be more sales, more fun and enjoyment.
5. Adsense publishers will also received more traffic.

In my opinoin, a good website should make up of these three sites or programs
1. One site to generate traffic
2. One site for your own products and affiliates. (The goal here is to sell, not tell)
3. One site for adsense publishers. (The goal here is to tell, not sell)

I will post my comment on "All Solutions Network" later.


Friday, March 09, 2007

Healthy Addiction to Money, Relationship and Power

Look at the title. Appear confusing and conflicting. Right.

The title may be more appropriately re-phrased as "Healthy commitment to the game of money, relationship and power". Our lifestyles are basically driven by our desires. In modern societies our desires are moulded over and over again by the rules of money, relationship and power. For many of us our interest to play this game of "money, relationship and power" gives meaning to our purpose in life. In other words our lifestyles are driven by our desires to play this game which is also a game of public victory.

If our time are taken up to play this game, we can say that this is addiction, just like addiction to golf and movies. If we are addicted to something that contribute to our purpose in life, this resourceful lifestyles would prevent us from being addicted to other unresourceful or negative lifestyles like alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking.

Addiction to the game of money, relationship and power can be extremely dangerous when handled irresponsibly.

Just like scuba diving, we are not allowed to dive without training and certification. Even after that we are still not allow to dive without a buddy. The whole emphasis here is on responsibility.

Responsibility is the basis of this game of "money, relationship and power". Responsibility protects us. Loan sharks play the game irresponsibly. Banks are shrewd but generally showed high standards of responsibility. Casinos, alcohol companies, cigarette companies attempt to mitigate this problem of responsibility by contributing to society.

We can create or develop this desire to play this game of "money, relationship and power" through conditioning by the environment and our thoughts and involvement. The easiest way to change the environment is to change the people we mix with. Remember the rules of seven. The seven persons we shared the most of our time with are the keys to our future. The easiest way to change our thoughts and involvement is to attend seminar. We attend seminar primarily for "change" rather than for knowledge. Seminar creates an ideal environment for change. Acquisition of knowledge do not change us. Just make us better informed. The seminar fees we pay should be easily affordable. We should not take loans. A no, no! No instalments.

As a safety valve always remember our responsiblility. Responsibility means we must have mentor or teachers for certification. We must have our support group just like buddy in scuba diving. We must be aware of our strengths and weaknesses. We must take steps to eliminate our weaknesses, but prepare to accept our weaknesses Accepting our weaknesses is a sign of maturity and wisdom. Only when we can accept both our strengths and weaknesses then only can we accept others with all their strentgths and weaknesses. This is the the first step in our game of relationship.

Bearing these principles in mind we notice that smart people do not really have advantage over dumb people because they play the game at their level. Smart people are equally vulnerable to do dumb thing as dumb people.

If there is no difference between smart and dumb people then what matters. The answers are:
1. The principles we live by.
2. Pro-activity to choose resourceful emotions like love, courage, joy, trust, integrity.
3. Self-awareness.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Private victory and public victory

The title of this article should be more appropriately called private victory and failure versus public victory and failure. I leave out the "failure" in the title because human mind cannot handle negative emotion.

Before I start, I would like readers to just remind themselves of Stephen Covey's seven or recently eight habits of highly effective people. You will notice that the first three habits are private victory and the next three are public victory. Private victory is your foundation to public victory.

Stephen Covey's private victories are:
1. Proactivity
2. Begin with an end in mind
3. First Things First

Stephen Covey's Public victories are
1. Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood
2. Think win-win
3. Synergize

After you have gone through this, take a short break and then listen to what I have to say.

I have posted in that what private victory to me is basically your education and your health. My definition of education covers both knowledge and skill.
Know the difference between knowledge and skill. I have to emphasize again that this is very important in trouble-shooting our weaknesses. For example, we may have the knowledge to make money from the internet. But the result shows we do not make any money from the internet. This means we do not yet acquire the skill to make money from the internet.

Unless you have genetic problem, you should put in some time and effort to look after your health. Our health have been badly corrupted by commercial interests in modern society. The first step is to acquire the knowlege of healthy living. The next step is to acquire the skill to do it, bearing in mind that it is impossible to perfect it.

Public victory to me are the attributes of money, relationship and power. Money is important because it is measurable and subject to the rules of zero sum games. Power is measured by our post and position in society. Relationship basically refers to both private and public friends. The way I define the meaning of friendship is very different. For example, your spouse, brothers , sisters, children, parents are just special kind of private friends. Your customers, clients, 'economic' friends, social friends, classmates, chilhood friends and so on are public friends.

I use this model to trouble-shoot many relationship problems. My weakness is mainly in one special kind of public friend. If you visit you will notice that I have only one friend. All of you are welcome to 'add friends' to my list.

Feel like becoming my friend, visit
Feel like saying something, post your comment.