Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How to achieve 100% results in internet marketing campaign each and every time!

The title is “how to achieve 100% results in internet marketing campaign each and every time!”. This title is a copy-writing title. It encourages more people to read. Read on to understand why. In the practical scenario if you apply these recipes, you will get between 70% and 100% success rate, not 100%. You will then know your risk. For example if your campaign require 50% to break even, then you are guaranteed to make money if you adhere to these principles. So, today you have learned another skill, when to carry on with your campaign and when to drop your campaign. Always do your homework.

(If you are doing consulting work you are free to use this skill to help your client and make money out of it)

How to formulate your plan such that you will predict your project results with 100% certainty each and every time? Understand the underlying principles first. Then create a checklist to make sure the steps are in order. No flaws. You must be comfortable with the risk and the knowledge requirement. If you are uncomfortable you will make human factor mistakes.

We all know that science always delivers 100% results. For example, Sir Isaac Newton observed that an apple always drop to the ground. Now we all know that this is gravitational force. Water below zero degree Centigrade turns to ice, above 100 degree Centigrade turns to steam. Uranium at its critical mass will explode as nuclear bomb. For every living human, death is a certainty. Absolutely no mistake!

How do you apply these principles to predict your results? Today we all experience lifestyle rewards through the successes of capitalism in their economic production and social contribution to higher standards of living. Some examples of these products are air-conditioner, cars, planes, mobile phones and so on. Economic trade and distribution ensures that products and services are available to the global population. The tools that capitalists use are almost always companies-- sendirian berhad, private limited companies or ‘plc‘, and incorporated or ‘inc‘.

If you are faced with a complex prediction like internet marketing, then you have to dissect this highly complex puzzle. First you break it up into two parts. There are always only two attributes. These are people and task. Your have to use science to approach task because it always delivers 100%. Remember that I told you in my previous article that people are always problematic and unpredictable. Therefore you must use the Armand Morin model of mind reading to get your 70% success rate. Combining the two, Science for Task and Arts for People, your success rate will range between 70% and 100%.

However, applying the people’s attribute to achieve your 70 % success rate is not as easy as you think. I will address this in my next article.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

How to predict your results with 100% accuracy, each and every time

Is it possible to predict your results with 100% accuracy, each and every time?
Answer: If I can read minds, true or false!

Is Mind Reading a Con Game?
I will present this in two parts, A & B.

Part A.
This remind me of what Armand Morin said. He said it is possible to read the mind of your prospect. He was teaching us to email to authors asking for permission to quote or publish their proprietary or copyright works. He said we should received at least a 70% success rate.
He used a simulation exercise to demonstrate this concept.

Here's the mind reading exercise.
1. Think of a number between 1 to 9.
2. Multiply this number by 9.
3. Add the digits.
4. Minus 5 from this number.
5. Convert this number into alphabet. That is 1 is a, 2 is b, 3 is c, 4 is d and so on.
6 Think of a country that start with this alphabet.
7. Take the second alphabet of this country.
8. Think of an animal that start with this alphabet.
9. What is the answer? How accurate is this mind reading? Why is the answer not 100% accurate?

I would like visitors to work out the answers themselves. As such I am not providing the answers here. You may email me at for the answers.
At this stage if you are not lost, you may proceed to Part B

Part B
Here are my questions?

1. Do you know that it is possible to predict results with 100% accuracy, each and every time? What happens when you apply this to your recipes in the global internet marketing game! What are the environments (conditions) and limitations (assumptions)?.

2. Do you know that it is possible to predict results with 95% or 99% accuracy?. This is the basics of statistics and evidence based research. Remember the convention-- Confidence Interval of 95% and 99%. When apply to your internet marketing game with win-lose outcome, always make sure that you do not lose out of proportion to the profits you make. Always make sure you win out of proportion to the money you lose. In other words you lose the battles but win the war.

3. Do you know the dilemma of dealing with people? In other words, the strengths and limitations of your skill at dealing with people (not task). People are really problematic. They are responsible for failures of at least 96% of businessmen and internet marketers. Yet, the most successful capitalists in history has always been 'masters of people'. They are movers and shakers of society and among the richest in the world. What are the reasons for these failures? What are the reasons for these successes? What are your answers to this dilemma of dealing with people?

1. You will notice that I have not answered question 1 yet. I have changed my approach into story telling to keep my readers 'in suspense' which I have found is more effective within internet environment.
2. I have been receiving lots of questions from patients, consumers and all sectors of society where answers can be found within the correct interpretation and application of evidence base medicine, traditional health care products and opportunistic commercially driven health care products. I will not quote examples here because of legal implications. Just learn this and you will save lots of money in medical and health expenses. If you are covered by panel company expenses or health insurance, you will have the opportunity to acquire enough knowledge so that you are in a position to provide reliable advise to your people and help them to reduce unnecessary health and medical expenses.
3. You will not achieve 100% or 99% or 95% success rate from dealing with people. However, you can get somewhere like 70% like what Armand Morin says.
Look at the steps in the mind reading exercise again. You will see that you are in control of all the steps except steps 1, 6 and 8. Even in these steps 1, 6 and 8 you limit their responses to digits between 1 and 9, name of country only and finally animal only.
I will not tell you what is the 'animal' you visualize in your mind. But I can tell you that it will not be an eel or an eagle. If you take this exercise to 10,000 people chances are there will be one or two who says it is an eel or eagle.
People who visualize eel and eagle are untargetable. They are not your prospect. So, you refer them to your affiliate who would like to target eel and eagle.

On closing, what is the animal you visualize in Armand Morin's mind reading exercise?

For your homework, think about how you can predict your results with 100% accuracy each and every time and why there are limitations to it! I will post my answers to this question as the next article in my blog. If you do not receive it by email, you are always welcome to visit my blog.

How to achieve private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship, power)