Friday, July 13, 2007

Who wants to follow me to crack the seven figure code by 2011 Part 2

This article is a follow up of yesterday’s article “Who wants to follow me to crack the seven figure code by 2011?”

Figuratively this means who wants to make millions of US dollars with me by 2011.

If you miss yesterday’s article you should read yesterday's article in this blog.

I am taking baby steps. This strategy is a baby step for everyone of us but a quantum leap in wealth building. Read on....

I am going to create the first web based clinic in the world. This means patients are computerized in the web, their data are accessible worldwide, 24 hours round the clock.

Over the past 28 years I have seen about 200,000 patients. I am going to key in their data. Each user will be given an email account and a web user account free of charge. My email account satisfies the paid email criteria, meaning you cannot register yourself. I will register for you. This email account is better than those from yahoo, hotmail and gmail because they are not paid account. Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail accounts are rejected by many websites and are not suitable for more important uses..

I am going to use my 28 years of experience in medical and clinical practice to offer patients and visitors free consultation but with conditions attached. Patients must buy products and services to qualify

I will then control and set all these back end conditions. For example patients have to buy products or services through my adsense links, affiliate links, or business leads, then email to inform me. My return will vary among individual patients, but the important point for me is to average out.

I will then create massive links of all industries regionally and globally and let them compete among themselves just like auction, goggle adwords and eBay. I will then hold on to the algorithm and source codes and franchise the business system to suitable parties in other locations or other countries if it is economically viable and profitable. Translations will be implemented as appropriate.

This way I attract businesses of all sorts because patients will buy from them in order to qualify for the free consultation. To emphasize an important point, this is not limited to medical, clinic or related industries but refers to all businesses that can sell in my site or in my partner’s site so that I can take a share indirectly as my consultation fees.

This start up business model opens up opportunities for everybody. The leveraging effects are enormous. This is the reason I invite you all as followers to follow me to crack the seven figure code by 2011. Such power is available in the internet. Just know how to harvest it.

For those who are interested in business deals, you can visit my Joomla site to have a glimpse of my joint venture articles.

Business deal is by invitation only. You have to make a small sacrifice to visit my site regularly to participate in the site’s activity to qualify.

I foresee some problems with the medical regulatory authorities if I do this. Therefore I have to quit traditional medical practice and re-locate internationally. This is the adaptation, adjustment or sacrifice I have to make.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who wants to follow me to crack the seven figure code by 2011

Who wants to crack the seven figure code by 2011?. Less than four years. There are so many ways to crack this seven figure code. At least one of them is going to work for us. (For those who do not understand this figurative expression this means making millions in US dollars)

If you are a leader you can use this information to help you to formulate your plan. If you are a follower, then just follow my website. The target of this article are followers. I am recruiting them.

When Shankleton said he wanted to lead an expedition to the South Pole, he emphasized that the reward of success was honor not money, and the risk was substantial. Despite these the response to his advertisement was enormous. Loads of people were willing to follow him to the South Pole.

I am going to crack this seven figure code by 2011. As I have said before the easiest method is to come out with a good quality turnkey website and market it through a downline distribution system. This produces an irresistible offer that explodes virally like a nuclear bomb. If you do not understand this please check my earlier post in my blog.

There are many other methods. One good example is illustrated here. We all know how to look for gold mines, diamond mines, tin mines and so on. In the internet where are all these treasures?. The biggest reserves of treasures can be found in the interface between land based businesses and internet technology and economy. Many have made millions this way, some even billions.

If you want to follow me to crack this seven figure code by 2011, you must qualify. Now read this carefully with emotion. If you do not know how to back up what you want with emotion, please go through the eight exercises on personal development in my website

Just sacrificing a few KFC or Pizza meals now and then will give you the money required to crack this seven figure code. So money is not a problem. The real problem is here. Read here.

The real problem is to think. I repeat the real problem is to think. If you have not read Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, you should read this book this.

Think is the way to grow rich, not work hard or work smart. You must brainstorm yourselves with massive ways of thinking--upside-down thinking, lateral thinking, passionate thinking and so on.

The next thing. What if it did not work at the end of five years? So, we buy insurance. Not so much because of money, but because time is our greatest asset. I have been echoing the same theme ‘how to achieve private victory (health, education) and public victory (money, relationship, power)’ in the development of my websites and in working towards my goal to crack the seven figure code in US dollars. With this insurance at worse you will still benefit from certain degree of progress in your private victory as well as public victory, so that you are able to re-create the environment to succeed in your next venture.

Alex Mandossian attracted me to his seminar by offering to bring up 1000 millionaires. However, what he taught us works only in America and during his time. My one year of research and testing have shown that it does not work if you operate from Malaysia.
So, we are now back to the interface where all the treasures are. If you are doing adsense you can use adsense as a foundation to convert it to Business Leads, meaning you use web resources to generate revenue for all sorts of land based businesses. (That is, your mind sees all land based businesses operating without effective web support as your prospects) You monetize through all these deals as appropriate to the context, terms of participation and the industry. The result. Unlimited opportunities. Unlimited revenue. I had modified this, so it is a little different from Mark Vanuum’s Lead Generation.

Mark Vanuum said he chose to drop his 2000 adsense sites that brings him a return of 436,000 US dollars in 18 months and make a switch to lead generation leveraging on his content rich ad sense sites. He said lead generation brings him

US$10 to US$9000 per leads

Much, much higher returns than adsense! Furthermore, you control your own business. It is shockproof and future proof as long as capitalism survive. You can visit my landing page for this site

In my opinion adsense is a good start as it gives you the opportunity and the meaning to learn the basics. Once you know the basics you should move on to the next level like what Mark Vanuum says.

Tomorrow, I will post another article describing what I am doing right now and how you can participate and benefit from it.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Personal Development--Why Some People Need To Change Their Name

Why some people need to change their name?

Behavioral science is one of the toughest disciplines because it involves the complexities and diversities of human behavioral. However, it is a very important subject in our pursuit for public victory (money, relationship, power).

Many people are not getting what they want even though they have tried very hard. One of the key reasons is that they fail to change in crucial areas which are essential to their success.
It is for this reason that many consultants prescribe name change as a first step. Our name normally is deeply entrenched into our body, mind and soul.

Name changing is a first step and an important step. When we change our name we are actually showing that we are able to break the obstacle that prevents us from getting what we want. However, just changing the name is not sufficient. It just shows that we are able to change.
Only if we are able to change and to handle change, then only can we change our belief systems.
Belief system is the one that influence our results.

In most cases name change is unnecessary. When we change your environment, our behavior will response to adapt to the environment. There are many applications for this principle. For example, to control the behavior of children, the ideal way is to surround them with the right environment such as school, extra-curricular activities and the friends they mix with.
If you are the consultant, an effective way is to prescribe name change to your clients. If you are doing it for yourself you just change your environment or change your belief systems.

You can read more or even do some exercises at my personal development site


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Blogging--fun, dollars or both

Most people blog for fun. A small minority realize that blogging is a good starting point to make their first dollar. The technology is already there. You get natural traffic from your community. I made my first fifteen US dollars within the first month after I started blogging.
At present I have two blogs. They make a little money each time I post. However, there were lots of poor quality traffic resulting in a CTR of less than half percent. It is not viable economically. My wordpress blog has a page rank of one (1) all through natural traffic.

Building website is not easy but has enormous potential because you have unlimited ways to make money from websites. You can sell services, sell business leads, sell clones, create affiliate programs, sell your own products and so on. In other words you can do huge businesses without bank loan. At the moment I have one established website with a page rank of one and five other websites in their infancy.

The best business I have found in the net is to build a high standard turnkey website with high demand and monetze it through downline distribution system. Normall when we buy product, it is consumer spending. However, when you buy products under this system, you stand a chance to become filthy rich through affiliation and downline distribution system. This is an irresistable offer guaranteed to succeed. This is the power of the internet. This is the way to break the seven figure code. Many have made millions this way. Some made it in less than three months.

I am now in my second year of internet education. I believe I should be able to break this code by the end of five years.

Globally Jason Calacanis make the most from blogging getting about US$120,000 per month. He was the former Vice President of AOL. He run 104 blogs and has 9 fully paid staff to blog for him. This works for him but not for us because Google may not trust us and our account will be disabled., a free dating and matching site at the moment make US$300,000 per month from adsense. a social-networking site comes second with US$250,000 per month.
Joel Comm said he made about US$2000 a month or US$250,000 a year less than what and received in a month.

However, the most effectivce and fastest way to make more money from the net is using affiliation programs and automation like what Ewen Chia did. You do not need a website. All your time (100%) will focus on generation of revenue through affiliation program. He received more than half a million US dollars last year. You still need to know the basics before you can do it. This is good for those with background in sales. This is not for me . I find it boring.

You spend 100% of your time looking for products, customers and sales, and keep repeating and duplicating until products, customers and sales become part your life. When these attributes become second nature to you, you will become known as talented supersalesman. You can then sell any product as easy as a fish that swims or a bird that flies.

As for me I use less than 10% of my time to generate revenue. My priority to learn and to improve website management as well as sowing seeds throughout the internet takes up 90% of my time. Deep in my soul I am still a doctor and a scientist. But I managed to penetrate the internet market and will continue to do so.

Visit my high-tech adsense site

Free consultation is available on the content of this site