Thursday, April 05, 2012



Time went on. Days went by.

I am now back after almost four years.
I have re-located to big cities instead of working and living in rural areas in the past.
Although you can do internet business anywhere, the facilities in the big city is much more conducive to success.

This is my first post on internet business.


These are the compelling reasons why you should join my team.
We all go to school to learn new skills, graduated, find a job and work very hard in order to make some money to enable a decent living. So, it is job, job and job, or your own small business or professional practice until you decide to call it the day and retire.

What you want to do after retirement? Some have retirement planning, some do not. My retirement plan is to do online internet work. That is why I am back after almost four years.
Did you ever find out how things work online?

I plan my internet venture the same way---Hard Work going through Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and so on to acquire the necessary skills.

The MAIN REASON most people fail online because they have insufficient knowledge of the requirements.
Four years ago statistics show 95% failed to make any money online. Now, the statistics has gone up to 98.5%. Alarming! Shocking!

The majority lacked two very important elements--Skills and Hard Work. "Hard Work" means planning for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3. If you complete year 1 in six months you must not move on to year 2. Instead you go for higher marks. Conversely, if you get low but borderline pass marks at the end of Year 1, you must not repeat year 1. You have to move on to Year 2.

From my experience, this method of planning is great for sophisticated projects.
"Let's say you wanted to be a doctor and earn a lot of money. Without the proper skills and knowledge, do you think you can become one and make a satisfying income ?
NO! Of course not!
Or say you're only working at McDonald's for an hour, or have a little booth at the mall for a day.
Can you expect to generate a 6-Figure income ?
No way !"

Human interaction with societies have programmed all of us such that we all have acquired the necessary skills for making money in the real world. Traditionally, as a person you build teams. It's your team that build big business. Your team use systems, OPT(other people's time), OPM(other people's money).
These are the basics: teams, opt, opm.

In online ventures, these basics are even more important as we can see later.
You may complain that you do have the necessary skills, and have put in a generous amount of time into the opportunities you're in. But you still failed. Is it because those programs do not work ? or are they scams ? Some of you may be hit by scams but the majority are not due to scams.

There are more than enough online opportunities that are close to perfection. And they really CAN generate that kind of income for you. I can see much much more treasures accesible to us in the virtual world than in the planet earth!

But there is only one little problem. An individual cannot overcome these obstacles.
Organized effort in the form of TEAM WORK is required to overcome this obstacle.
All of the online opportunities require "Team Work". I repeat TEAM WORK.

That means it's NOT enough for you to simply know the basics or have the necessary elements.
The entire team is required to have the necessary elements in order for you to succeed online.



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